• 陕西省百人计划专家


2016年10月15日 12:27  点击:[ ]


曾任新加坡南洋理工大学环境科学工程研究院高级研究员、芬兰Kemira集团亚太研发中心首席研究员、青岛海尔水设备开发总监等职位,兼任西安工程大学客座教授,上海交通大学兼职导师。作为技术负责人完成新加坡总理办公室/新加坡公用事业局、新加坡海事与港口管理局、新加坡环境科学研究院/经发局、新加坡生物工程与纳米科技研究院资助课题共5项、国家自然科学基金2项;负责芬兰国家技术创新局资助课题2项,培养博士生3名。其中,在南洋理工大学期间主持的膜生物反应器污膜染控制课题,研究成果两度被水界国际权威期刊Water Research发表。参加国家科技攻关课题一项、省部级课题2项,完成40余份水处理项目报告及技术方案、受邀在日本早稻田大学等国际会议做主题发言。就水处理技术话题,接受新加坡MediaCorp Channel U电视频道(2008年6月27日)、中央电视台二套(2015年3月24日)的采访。在国内外SCI类及核心学术期刊及会议发表论文60余篇,获专利一项;参编《中国家用净水行业发展报告白皮书》(2014年)和书籍一部(2006年日本同友馆出版)。担任Journal of Membrane Science, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Desalination, Chemosphere 等16家期刊(8家SCI检索、7家国外和1家国内)审稿人。


1.Rapid decolorization and mineralization of simulated textile wastewater in a heterogeneous Fenton like system with/without external energy+A118:U129, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2009).

2. Impact of filamentous bacteria on properties of activated sludge and membrane-fouling rate in a submerged MBR,Separation & Purification Technology, (2008).

3.Enhancement of filterability in MBR achieved by improvement of supernatant and floc characteristics via filter aids addition Water Research, Water Research, (2008).

4. Oxidation of 4-chlorophenol in a heterogeneous zero valent iron/H2O2 Fenton-like system: kinetic, pathway and effect factors, Separation & Purification Technology, (2008).

5. Influence of organic and inorganic flocculants on the physical-chemical properties of biomass and the impact on membrane fouling rate, Water Research, (2015).

6. Enhanced degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ultrasound in a new fenton like system (Fe/EDTA) at ambient circumstance, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, (2008).

7. Impact of a metabolic uncoupler, 2, 4-Dichlorophenol on minimization of activated sludge production in membrane bioreactor, Water Science and Technology, (2010).

8. The settling characteristics and mean settling velocity of granular sludge in UASB-like reactors, Biotechnol Lett, (2006).

9. Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification achieved by an innovative internal-loop airlift MBR: comparative study, Bioresource Technology, (2008).

10. Impact of biological constituents and properties of activated sludge on membrane fouling in a novel submerged membrane bioreactor, Desalination, (2008).

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