• 陕西省百人计划专家


2016年10月15日 12:30  点击:[ ]


近十多年来,致力于有机污染物的微生物降解和污染环境的微生物生态学研究。注重理论研究与生物修复实践技术相结合。获得多株有机污染物高效降解菌株,丰富了污染降解资源库;成功将部分菌株应用于有机污染环境生物强化修复;阐明重要有机物降解菌在响应污染胁迫下基础代谢调控机制;系统研究了多个污染环境微生物群落结构变化与自然修复进程的关系,为区域生物修复进程监控和污染环境修复工程实施提供技术支持。相关研究结果得到国际国内同行的认可,多个期刊评价了我们的工作,如Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,Curr Opin Biotech,ISME J,Environ Sci Technol等,其中(ISME J, 2012)文章被欧盟委员会环境新闻中心独立版面报道,并被选入环境政策科学,为环境政策制订提供重要依据。担任浙江省生态学会秘书长、浙江省微生物学会理事、中国环境科学学会水环境分会委员、中国微生物学会环境微生物学专业委员会委员等。长期任Water Res, Environ Sci Technol, Appl Microbiol Biotech, J Appl Microbiol等SCI期刊审稿人。


1.Antimicrobial activity of isolate HL-12 against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp michiganensis in the presence of cadmium, Ecotoxicology, (2009).

2. Studies on biosorption equilibrium and kinetics of Cd2 by Streptomyces sp K33 and HL-12, J Hazard Mater, (2009).

3. Bioaugmentation with the nicotine-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas sp HF-1 in a sequencing batch reactor treating tobacco wastewater: Degradation study and analysis of its mechanisms, Water Research, (2009).

4. Successful bioaugmentation of an activated sludge reactor with Rhodococcus sp. YYL for efficient tetrahydrofuran degradation, J Hazard Mater, (2013).

5. The effect of tetrahydrofuran on the enzymatic activity and microbial community in activated sludge from a sequencing batch reactor, Ecotoxicology, (2012).

6. Stress response of Burkholderia cepacia WZ1 exposed to quinclorac and the biodegradation of quinclorac, Soil Biol Biochem, (2009).

7.Individual or synchronous biodegradation of di-n-butyl phthalate and phenol by Rhodococcus ruber strain DP-2, J Hazard Mater, (2014).

8. Assessment of toxicity of tetrahydrofuran on the microbial community in activated sludge, Bioresource Technol, (2010).

9. Biodegradation of di-n-butyl phthalate by a stable bacterial consortium, HD-1, enriched from activated sludge, Bioresource Technology, (2013).

10. Dynamic metabolic and transcriptional profiling of Rhodococcus sp. strain YYL during the degradation of tetrahydrofuran, Appl Environ Microb, (2014).

上一条:于青林 下一条:林晓文

